If you are a student planning to participate in the Erasmus program and study abroad at the University of Bonn, then you need to be familiar with the concept of a learning agreement. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of a learning agreement at the Uni Bonn Erasmus program.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is an agreement between you, your home institution, and the host institution, Uni Bonn, that outlines the courses you will take and the credits you will receive while studying abroad. It is essential that you have a clear understanding of the courses you will take and how they will contribute to your academic goals before you begin your studies at Uni Bonn.

The Learning Agreement is a legal document that is binding for all parties involved. It ensures that your credits will be recognized by your home institution upon your return, and that you will not face any academic disruptions due to differences in standards between institutions.

How to create a Learning Agreement at Uni Bonn Erasmus?

To create a Learning Agreement at Uni Bonn Erasmus, you must follow these steps:

1. Contact your home institution`s international office and the Uni Bonn Erasmus coordinator to discuss your course options.

2. Review the course catalog and select the courses you want to take at Uni Bonn.

3. Fill out the Learning Agreement form provided by your home institution.

4. Have your university`s international office and the Uni Bonn Erasmus coordinator sign the Learning Agreement.

5. Submit the Learning Agreement to your home institution`s international office.

It is important that you submit your Learning Agreement before the deadline set by your home institution, so that you have enough time to make any necessary adjustments.

Tips for creating a successful Learning Agreement at Uni Bonn Erasmus

1. Be clear and concise when selecting your courses. Ensure that they are relevant to your academic goals, and that they will contribute to your degree program.

2. Consult with your academic advisor to ensure that your course selection is appropriate for your degree program.

3. Make sure that your courses are available during the semester you will be studying at Uni Bonn.

4. Consider the language of instruction when selecting your courses. If you are not fluent in German, you may want to consider taking courses in English.

In conclusion, creating a Learning Agreement is an essential part of the Uni Bonn Erasmus program. It guarantees that your credits will be recognized by your home institution, and ensures that you will not face any academic disruptions upon your return. With the tips provided in this article, you can create a successful Learning Agreement and make the most of your study abroad experience at Uni Bonn.